(435) 335-7460
20 N. Highway 12
Boulder, UT 84716
<span>Boulder</span> Weather

Boulder Weather

Boulder Weather

Boulder experiences the change of seasons as few places on earth. Spring is delightful with daytime temperatures ranging in the 60’s and 70’s. Summers are typically mild because of the 6600’ altitude. Highs are generally in the 80’s and it cools off to the 50’s at night. The colorful autumns are filled with warm pleasant days and cool crisp nights. During the winter months Boulder Mountain can provide the cross country skier or snow shoe aficionado fantastic snow conditions, where one overlooks the most magnificent red rock landscape on the planet.

National Weather Service Forecast – Boulder, Utah

Monthly Averages for Boulder


Make a Reservation

To make a reservation call this number (435) 335-7460 or our toll-free number: (800) 556-3446.
To book online click below: Book Online